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Specialist Medication Dispensing & Delivery Services for

Care Homes, Nursing Homes and

Domiciliary Care Agencies.

Call us on 0800 5335 100


We are always looking for new systems that are innovative and know will become market leaders. This means we only offer robustly supported Monitored Dosage Systems that we have investigated and have satisfied us they can fulfil the requirements of our clients. Just because a system is available elsewhere does not mean we will offer it based upon our high expectations of the system and the supplier/manufacturer alike. If a system fails to meet our standards in terms of quality of manufacture of consumables, support for any hardware or software applications that are a part of that system or indeed any other requirement we make of it, then we will not make it available to our clients. We are not swayed by flashy sales staff nor promises of huge profits that we know are not likely to be achievable.  

Original Packs eMAR Systems

The PCS system utilises bar code scanning technology at both the pharmacy and at the home to provide the safest means of dispensing and administering medication in original packs. With comprehensive warning and reminders, the eMAR system provides a complete replacement for paper based systems.


The CHUMS report published in 2009, identified the need for systems to be put into place that promoted the safe administration of medicines in care and nursing home environments. Monitored Dosage Systems are specialist medication storage methods that are designed to minimise the risks associated with incorrect medication administration. The systems we offer are based around Single Dose or Multidose systems presented as plastic trays with individual medicine compartments sealed with a plastic seal or card-based blister-packs with individual plastic medicine compartments. All are designed to provide doses separated into times of day, in addition to the day of the medication cycle. Together with printed Medication Administration charts and other available printed reports, they form the basis of a system to facilitate accuracy and ease of  medicines being given to client by carers or self-administration by clients in their own homes.

Monitored Dosage Systems we currently offer:

Caremeds - a system offering innovative Colour MAR charts and enhanced printed reports available through the software application along with a multi-dose tray system from Multimeds designed for ease off use and with the advantage that for a tray system it minimises storage space and offers less waste than competitor products.

Caremeds eMAR providing paperless MAR charts and management report, this allows integration with the Multimeds tray system

Proactive Care System from Invatech /Health, is an award winning eMAR system using original packaging and an Electronic MAR chart system. It operates on dedicated handheld devices together with a Management Portal for reporting and auditing

Cold Seal Blister packs from Omnicell providing a choice of single dose or multidose packaging. These packs can be dispensed  as either Weekly or 28 Day packs.

We are able to create bespoke systems by combining aspects of one system with aspects of another e.g. CareMeds reports and charts with Omnicell Blister Packs or indeed original packaging.